The Treasurer’s office is entrusted with the County’s monetary finances and manages the County’s banking accounts. On a daily basis the Treasurer’s office collects, deposits and reconciles fund from other county offices. Prior to these funds being used for county services, the Treasurer’s office invest these funds in order to make the best use of these dollars to maximize growth of inactive dollars on deposit. In order of importance, the Treasurer’s office invests funds to ensure the safety of those dollars, that the county’s investments are sufficiently liquid for the county’s cash flow needs, and to earn a competitive rate of return through the course of the market cycles.
The investment activities of the Treasurer’s office are overseen by the Investment Advisory Committee, a group comprised of the Treasurer and two of the three county Commissioners. This group meets on a quarterly basis.
The county uses a number of different securities to meet its investment objectives. These securities are governed by Ohio Revised Code. No securities purchased by the Treasurer have a maximum of final maturity of more than 5 years from the date of purchase, unless specifically authorized by an unanimous vote of the investment Committee. Securities may be sold or redeemed prior to maturity to increase return on the investment, to restructure the portfolio, and or to meet cash flow needs.