
The Ohio State Extension Office

SWMD Education


The Ohio State Extension Office is available for presentations about solid waste management in Mercer County. These presentations are free of charge and can be adapted for pre-school to adult programs. These educational presentations are sponsored by the Mercer County Solid Waste Management District.

The educational programs will help your group learn what and how to recycle, why recycling and litter prevention is important and how waste affects our environment.

Participants will enjoy hands-on activities and/or games; they will also receive take-home information and items made from recycle materials.

SWMD Bonnie Classroom Pics 005, puting paper strips in a blenderEducation-Stammeneducation-Stammen2SWMD Bonnie Classroom Pics 009, someone marking numbers in an egg crateSWMD Bonnie Classroom Pics 008, 2 kids holding a closed egg crateSWMD Bonnie Classroom Pics 014, paper mache bugs and animalsSWMD Bonnie Classroom Pics 013b, kid putting paper mache in plastic moldsSWMD Bonnie Classroom Pics 013, placing paper mache in plastic moldSWMD Bonnie Classroom Pics 012, 3 kid putting paper mache in plastic molds